Glines & Rhodes, Inc. is committed to achieving high standards of environmental quality and product safety, and to providing a safe environment for our
employees, contractors and the community as a whole.
We will comply with all applicable regulatory requirements as a minimum and implement programs and processes to achieve greater protection, where
We are committed to conserving natural resources and reducing the environmental burden of waste generation and emissions to the air, water and land. Through continuous improvement methodologies we will develop environmentally compatible processes. We will strive to be leaders in reducing, reusing and recycling and will ensure that any wastes remaining are properly disposed of in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
We will be a responsible member of the communities in which we live and work. We will continue to expand our knowledge and understanding of the effect of our operations on safety, health and the environment. We are committed both to continuous improvement in our operations and to apply the knowledge that we gain to help safeguard our employees, customers and the community in which we live.
Environmental protection is one of management’s primary responsibilities, as well as the responsibility of every employee at Glines & Rhodes. We encourage employee involvement to continue improvement in our overall environmental protection program.
The management of Glines & Rhodes strives to produce the highest quality products possible while minimizing the generation of byproducts containing toxics. In this effort, our highest priority will be the pursuit of cost-effective process changes, which reduce or eliminate the use and/or generation of byproducts containing toxics during production. Where toxics cannot be eliminated at the source, reuse and recycling of materials will be explored and implemented wherever possible. These objectives will be incorporated into the design of new production processes, the redesign of existing processes, and the construction of new facilities. All employees are encouraged to forward their suggestions for helping reduce reliance upon raw materials that contain toxics and the generation of manufacturing byproducts that contain toxics.